Interlocked Metal Hose-Can Versatility Increase Sales Potential?

As one of the founding companies in the metal hose industry, UMH has been the #1 choice for strip wound interlocked and custom corrugated hose assemblies since 1942.

Our experienced manufacturing advantage allows UMH to provide the most versatility in size, flexibil-ity and material available in this competitive marketplace.

UMH offers strip wound interlocked hose in six different strip metal gauges, hose sizes that range from 3/4” -16” ID, strip material types include galvanized, aluminized and a wide variety of stainless steel grades. Need your hose ID made just a little wider or tighter, or your hose made a bit more rigid or flexi-ble, just let us know. We will work with you to meet your needs! In addition to our standard strip wound interlocked metal hose, UMH also offers a variety of packed inter-locked hose alternatives. All the same strip materials, sizes and man-ufacturingadvantagesPLUS,yourchoice of cotton, synthetic, silicone copper and multiple stainless steel materials to choose from. Consult one of our knowledgeable UMH factory staff members for more details.

Please see our “DID YOU KNOW?” section below to learn more about this product before the next time you purchase!

Give our experienced sales staff a call today. No matter how demanding or unique the application we are here to help solve your needs!


Featured Product:

Metal Strip Wound Flexible Hose

UMH is the only strip wound interlocked metal hose manufacturer to offer the extra thin gauge (0.010” -0.012”) metal strip as standard and available in all the standard material types!